Thursday, 10 October 2013

Well.. First of all sorry to give a pause to the trail of the iNViSiBLE GiRL..!!! But sometimes, you just cannot control the urge to write what you want to..

No one escapes the vibes of love. Everyone has to, HAS TO face it at some point in their lives. For some, it goes well, while for others, it's a topsy turvy land..! There is a third category of people i would like to talk about today. The ones who fall in and out of love as often as they change their clothes.
One question that pops up in my mind while writing the above line was, "Boys who belong to THIS third category are known as MAJNU's. Right.? Then Why girls who belong to THIS category are not called LAILA's..? Strange..!
And Silly.
And by silly i remember someone.
Silly smile,
Silly style,
Silly you..
And well Silly ME..!! =P

My god.. This wierd bug has got into my head lately, it makes me write everything that i possibly don't want to.
And this bug just forced me to write about                <<< LOVE.. LOVE.. LOVE>>>

It's easy for some.
It's tough for some,
Good for some,
Bad for some..

But, it really doesn't matter to some. It's just a matter of Give And Take. But, according to me, love is all about mutual understanding. It's about staying together in adverse situations and loving each even during those harsh fights.
Here, i would like to give an example from real life.
Once i was sitting in Mc'Donalds with my family and having fun. I was looking here and there (belonged to that third category earlier *_^ ) just when i saw an old couple walking through the door. They were around 60 years of age. The uncle pulled a chair for her wife and sat infront of her and asked, "Ice cream khaogi.??"
My parents found it rather funny but i found it cute. LOVE was the reason for their togetherness.

This particular incident leads me to another phase of love.
Generally, relationships come with sweet and sour memories. It depends which memories you want to cherish. At times, the sour memories turn sweet, while, at times, the sweet ones turn sour.
Relationship is all about getting to know each other. Some people love each other, but cannot live together. Result = Failed Relatiosnhip..!!!!
GUYS, Get to know your girl, respect her. Love her.
GIRLS Get to know your guy. Respect him.Give him some space.
And this advice to both of you. NEVER TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED..!
This reduces the trust, and for that matter the love.
She loves him. He loves her. But the love is missing. What the hell..?!
Yeah, this happens. TRUST ME.! ;)
Well, let's get back to our story, our cup of tea, i.e. , the MAJNUS' and the LAILAS'.
Do you ever stop and think that why on earth have these people turned the way they are now? There can be numerous reasons. Let's put them in bullet points:-
1.) They loved someone, who loved someone else. Result- everyone turns out to be a jerk.
2.) They got the one person they loved, but before you could turn into a jerk, they turned into one. Result- everyone becomes a jerk.
3.) They were born this way.
So, there's no reason to be all messed up and curious, because certain question should just be left unanswered.


  1. wow...u take away words from so many lips that were about to come out....or could never come up...but were somewhere within everybody's heart :)

  2. Well, this surely is a compliment. Thanks a lot. It's because of encouraging words like these that writers like us are inspired to write more and more. =)
