Saturday 15 December 2012

iTS WHeN YoU KnOw WhaT YoU WanT..!!!

Heyooooo Everyone..!!! =D
It seems like today's day is saying ... "BABE..!!! You Are here to smileeeeeee..!!! =) =D
So now starting afresh.. with all the problems solved.. and starting afresh with all the people back in my life... I would like to share a poetry very close to my heart. <3
And i would also like to share the story i thought of while i was writing it ^_*
Just another day it was, when PRATYUSH was standing infront of CHEHEK's house. This was his daily routine since last 5 months. He loved seeing her "just out of the sleep" look every morning. Her poise, Her long hair, Her fingers when they adjusted the strands of hair behind her ears, And even her grogginess made him fall for her. He loved her. But could never tell.
Then he decided to befriend her,, and WOW..!!! He succeeded ^_*
Gradually they were BEST FRIENDS. One day while driving back home from college, he thought of telling her how he feels. He thought of doing it at his place and arranged everything. The flowers, the teddies and everything a girl would dream of "IF" someone proposed.
But as soon as she reached him....................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                YOUR PRESENCE

I remember the day i walked by your lane.
Readily losing all my sane.
The day i saw your glance,
Started searching for a single chance.
Chance to look into your soul
And get to know you in person as a whole..!!
We met, We talked and i fell head over heels,
For you, your laugh, my heart did kneel.

I know you never cared,
And for the same reason i never dared,
Never dared to tell you I LOVE YOU. <3
Never could i ask the question i had for you

Things went by.. day by day...
I decided to tell you.. i may i may...
But unfortunately.. your departure arrived too soon.
And YOU TOOK YOUR LAST BREATH,, in that very room...!!!

The roses i had for you,
They wilted and lost their hue.
The gifts that asked for your attention,
Became a USELESS conglomeration..!!

That place shouted my love for you.
But i stood still and saw the soul-less YOU.
Could'nt cry,,,, Could'nt move,,
Could'nt even feel my beat,,
For my heart, My soul..!!!
Life proved to be a big CHEAT..!!

I called out your name,
To call you back from heavenBut my efforts went in vain.
Cuz, To dormancy,
You were permanently driven..!! ='(

I tried my level best to feel you,
To feel your presence.. THE SOUL WHICH WAS TRUE..!!
I cried,,, I sobbed,,
I lost my senses and what not...
But i didnt feel your presence..

She died right there in his arms..!!
She was shot.