Monday 17 December 2012

N WeLL,,,, LiFe iS FuLL oF SuRpRiSeS..!!! *_^

Just imagine...!! You are busy on the most important day of your life, there are a THOUSAND things you have to do. And amidst all the chaos,,, you are OBVIOUSLY too busy to take a look at some special things done by some caring people FOR YOU...!!! =)

LEHER... an easy going girl;
SAMEER... a tad too emotional kinda guy..
These two people... and THE CONVOCATION DAY..!!!
Leher was to perform an indian dance sequence.. And Sameer was to narrate a poetry.. SELF COMPOSED ;)
Now convocation day is the last day at college and very very important. It makes you feel grown up (which you certainly have) =P     and EVERYONE attends the event. You get the honour of getting your degree infront of the FAMILY, FACULTY, FRIENDS, HIGHER AUTHORITIES and most important... You become a GRADUATE.
On this most important day.,, A girl was busy making most of the moments left in college.
And a guy was busy writing something for SOMEONE SPECIAL. <3

                              DON'T LET ME FALL......

Just wanted to see it all,
But i was afraid of the fall,
Which life could potentially give.
Felt suffocated, I just could'nt live

You came along and gave me wings..!!
Each passing day, you touched my heart strings..
With the moments so memorable,
I felt fully vulnerable

I just could'nt resist and said it to you.

I Love You, I Want You, I Need You.. That's all..
I Love You, I Trust You..  DON'T LET ME FALL..!!! =')

"Learnt to live life without boundaries,
Could surely cross oceans and countries.
For you and your LOVE." I said.

I made you fill the gaps and ridges,
And made you cross all the bridges.
And that fake self i made you shed

And it happened, what i believed
The weeping heart felt relieved....
Because of my love which was true.
I FINALLY heard it from you..!! =D

I Love You, I Want You, I Need You,, That's all....
I Love You, I Trust You,,, DON'T LET ME FALL...!!! ^_^

"Will you be mine LEHER..??"
"I don't know what to say SAMEER.."
"Say what you feel girl...."
"Well....    I Love You, I Want You, I Need You,, That's all....
I Love You, I Trust You,,, DON'T LET ME FALL...!!!"


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